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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: untouchable
1. untouchable
Beyond the reach of criticism or attack or impeachment
"for the first time criticism was directed at a hitherto untouchable target";
پہنچ سے باہر۔
2. untouchable [ Synonyms: unassailable]
Impossible to assail
3. untouchable
Forbidden to the touch
"in most museums such articles are untouchable";
4. untouchable
(especially used in traditional Hindu belief of the lowest caste or castes) defiling
5. untouchable [ Synonyms: inaccessible, unobtainable, unprocurable]
Not capable of being obtained
"a rare work, today almost inaccessible"; "timber is virtually unobtainable in the islands"; "untouchable resources buried deep within the earth";
ناقابل حصول۔
Noun: untouchable
1. untouchable [ Synonyms: harijan]
Belongs to lowest social and ritual class in India

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