1. overcast [ Synonyms: cloud-covered, clouded, sunless] | |
Filled or abounding with clouds
بے دہوپ کا۔ |
1. overcast [ Synonyms: cloud cover, cloudiness] | |
The state of the sky when it is covered by clouds
ابر آلودگی ۔ |
2. overcast [ Synonyms: cloudiness] | |
Gloomy semidarkness caused by cloud cover
3. overcast [ Synonyms: overcasting] | |
A long whipstitch or overhand stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling
4. overcast | |
A cast that falls beyond the intended spot
1. overcast [ Synonyms: cloud] | |
Make overcast or cloudy
"Fall weather often overcasts our beaches";
2. overcast | |
Sew over the edge of with long slanting wide stitches
3. overcast | |
Sew with an overcast stitch from one section to the next
"overcast books";
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