1. whipping [ Synonyms: snappy] | |
Smart and fashionable
"snappy conversation"; "some sharp and whipping lines";
عمدہ۔ شوخ۔ |
1. whipping [ Synonyms: flagellation, flogging, lashing, tanning] | |
Beating with a whip or strap or rope as a form of punishment
سزا کے طور پر کوڑے یا رسی سے مارنا۔ کوڑوں کی سزا۔ |
2. whipping [ Synonyms: debacle, drubbing, slaughter, thrashing, trouncing, walloping] | |
A sound defeat
بڑی شکست۔ مکمل شکست۔ مکمل ہار۔ |
3. whipping [ Synonyms: whipstitch, whipstitching] | |
A sewing stitch passing over an edge diagonally
سلائی۔ سینا۔ |
4. whipping [ Synonyms: beating] | |
The act of overcoming or outdoing
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