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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
Verb Forms: (combat, combatted, combatting)

Noun: combat
1. combat [ Synonyms: armed combat]
An engagement fought between two military forces
2. combat [ Synonyms: fight, fighting, scrap]
The act of fighting; any contest or struggle
"a fight broke out at the hockey game"; "there was fighting in the streets"; "the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap";
جھگڑا ۔
لڑائی ۔
Verb: combat
1. combat [ Synonyms: battle]
Battle or contend against in or as if in a battle
"The Kurds are combating Iraqi troops in Northern Iraq"; "We must combat the prejudices against other races"; "they battled over the budget";
جنگ کرنا۔
لڑائی کرنا۔

Word of the day

December 22, 2024
- a fastener (as a buckle or hook) that is used to hold two things together
ایک بندھن (باندھ یا کانٹا کے طور پر) دو چیزوں کو ایک ساتھ رکھنے کے لئے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے.
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