1. ruffle [ Synonyms: flounce, frill, furbelow] | |
A strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim
سجاوٹ کی جھالریں۔ جھالر۔ |
2. ruffle [ Synonyms: choker, neck ruff, ruff] | |
A high tight collar
اونچا کالر۔ ایک سیدھا کھڑا کالر۔ چنٹ دار کالر۔ |
3. ruffle [ Synonyms: affray, disturbance, fray] | |
A noisy fight
۔ پھڈا ۔ لڑائی ۔ |
1. ruffle [ Synonyms: cockle, riffle, ripple, undulate] | |
Stir up (water) so as to form ripples
لہرانا۔ موجوں کی طرح حرکت ہونا۔ ڈولنا۔ |
2. ruffle | |
Trouble or vex
"ruffle somebody's composure";
چھیڑنا۔ |
3. ruffle [ Synonyms: cock, prance, sashay, strut, swagger, tittup] | |
To walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others
"He struts around like a rooster in a hen house";
اترا کر چلنا
۔ اکڑ کر چلنا ۔ |
4. ruffle | |
"This play is going to ruffle some people"; "She has a way of ruffling feathers among her colleagues";
5. ruffle [ Synonyms: flick, riffle] | |
Twitch or flutter
"the paper flicked";
پھڑپھڑانا۔ ہلنا۔ |
6. ruffle [ Synonyms: mix, shuffle] | |
Mix so as to make a random order or arrangement
"shuffle the cards";
گڈ مڈ کرنا۔ |
7. ruffle [ Synonyms: fluff] | |
Erect or fluff up
"the bird ruffled its feathers";
کھڑاکرنا۔ |
8. ruffle [ Synonyms: mess up, ruffle up, rumple] | |
Disturb the smoothness of
"ruffle the surface of the water";
شکن آلود کرنا۔ بے ترتیبی پیدا کرنا۔ بے ترتیب کرنا۔ |
9. ruffle [ Synonyms: pleat] | |
Pleat or gather into a ruffle
"ruffle the curtain fabric";
سمیٹنا۔ |
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