1. scuffle [ Synonyms: dogfight, hassle, rough-and-tumble, tussle] | |
Disorderly fighting
ہاتھا پائی ۔ |
2. scuffle [ Synonyms: dutch hoe, scuffle hoe] | |
A hoe that is used by pushing rather than pulling
باغبانی کا بیلچہ نما آلہ۔ |
3. scuffle [ Synonyms: scramble] | |
An unceremonious and disorganized struggle
1. scuffle [ Synonyms: tussle] | |
Fight or struggle in a confused way at close quarters
"the drunken men started to scuffle";
گتھم گتھا لڑائی کرنا۔ ہاتھا پائی کرنا۔ |
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