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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: slant
1. slant [ Synonyms: angle]
A biased way of looking at or presenting something
2. slant [ Synonyms: pitch, rake]
Degree of deviation from a horizontal plane
"the roof had a steep pitch";
Verb: slant
1. slant
Lie obliquely
"A scar slanted across his face";
ترچھا ہونا۔
2. slant [ Synonyms: angle, weight]
Present with a bias
"He biased his presentation so as to please the share holders";
3. slant [ Synonyms: angle, lean, tilt, tip]
To incline or bend from a vertical position
"She leaned over the banister";
جھکنا ۔
4. slant [ Synonyms: cant, cant over, pitch, tilt]
Heel over
"The tower is tilting"; "The ceiling is slanting";

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