1. tatterdemalion [ Synonyms: tattered] | |
Worn to shreds; or wearing torn or ragged clothing
"a man in a tattered shirt"; "the tattered flag"; "tied up in tattered brown paper"; "a tattered barefoot boy"; "a tatterdemalion prince";
پھٹا پرانا ۔ |
2. tatterdemalion [ Synonyms: bedraggled, broken-down, derelict, dilapidated, ramshackle, tumble-down] | |
In deplorable condition
"a street of bedraggled tenements"; "a broken-down fence"; "a ramshackle old pier"; "a tumble-down shack";
تباہ حال ، خراب ، خستہ۔ |
1. tatterdemalion [ Synonyms: ragamuffin] | |
A dirty shabbily clothed urchin
خستہ حال شخص یا بچہ۔ |
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