Famous Quotations
This collection of popular sayings and quotations is compiled to not only improve your English but also the inspiring words of wisdom can make a positive impact on you.
Quotes By Author:
Mark Twain ,
Zig Ziglar ,
Confucius ,
Denis Waitley ,
C S Lewis ,
Winston Churchill ,
Ralph Waldo Emerson , George Bernard Shaw , Martin Luther King , William Shakespeare , Dale Carnegie , Thomas A Edison , Henry Ford , Mahatma Ghandi , Friedrich Nietzsche , John F Kennedy , Napoleon Hill , Abraham Lincoln , Steve Jobs , Maya Angelou , Nelson Mandela , Henry David Thoreau , Muhammad Ali , Elbert Hubbard , Eleanor Roosevelt , Vince Lombardi , Lou Holtz , Thomas Jefferson , Calvin Coolidge , Paulo Coelho , Mother Teresa , Steve Maraboli , Aristotle , Jim Rohn , Carl Rogers , Oscar Wilde , Anthony Robbins , Albert Camus , Oprah Winfrey , Bill Cosby , Mahatma Gandhi , Dalai Lama , Helen Keller , Khalil Gibran , Les Brown , Dwight Eisenhower , Theodore Roosevelt , Andrew Wood , Chinese Proverb , Robert Frost , Dr Seuss , William Arthur Ward , John Wooden , Scott Hamilton , Charles Caleb Colton , George Santayana , Plutarch , William James , Bo Bennett , Tom Stoppard , Thomas Szasz , Earl Nightingale , Carlos Castaneda , Andy Warhol , Stephen Covey , Ambrose Bierce , Neil Gaiman , Sir Francis Bacon , Heraclitus , Norman Vincent Peale , Charles Darwin , John W Gardner , Buddha , Oliver Wendell Holmes , Aristotle Onassis , Bruce Lee , Thomas Carlyle , Sigmund Freud , Fyodor Dostoyevsky , Franklin D Roosevelt , Epictetus , Robert Louis Stevenson , Milton Berle , Baltasar Gracian , Lao , John Ruskin , Tom Peters , Peter F Drucker , Napoleon Bonaparte , Rudyard Kipling , Jimi Hendrix , M Scott Peck , Lao Tzu , H Jackson Brown , Nicholas Sparks , Plato , Moliere , Eric Hoffer , Thomas Paine , Captain Jean , Harold Macmillan , Margaret Thatcher , Dwight D Eisenhower , Voltaire , George MacDonald , Heather Mills , Lee Iacocca , Malcolm X , Henry Fielding , Kristi Yamaguchi , Robert Crais , Tacitus , Abu Bakr , Jean , Horace , Herm Albright , Patricia Neal , Darcy E Gibbons , Wayne W Dyer , Kate Halvorson , Tom Wilson , Sam Walton , Colin Powell , Niccolo Machiavelli , Alfred A Montapert , William Feather , Lucius Annaeus Seneca , Henry R Luce , Andrew Carnegie , Laurence J Peter , Bill Rancic , Harold S Geneen , Omar Ibnal , Reinhold Niebuhr , Taylor Swift , Libba Bray , Bertolt Brecht , Stephen Chbosky , Leo Tolstoy , J D Salinger , William Jennings Bryan , Alan Wilson Watts , Jacob M Braude , Bruce Barton , Carol Burnett , Henry Cloud , Sara E Anderson , Debbi Fields , Perelman , William Allin , Anatole France , Henry Peter Broughan , John Ciardi , Niels Bohr , Anne Sullivan , Malcolm Forbes , Sylvester Stallone , Roddy Doyle , Thomas Blood , Martin Scorsese , Pete Seeger , Sai Baba , Andre Gide , Queen Latifah , Auguste Rodin , Julius Caesar , John Keats , Melody Beattie , Elisabeth Elliot , L M Montgomery , Michael Jackson , David Platt , Mary Manin Morrissey , Galileo Galilei , Cicero , Henri Nouwen , Anasis Nin , William Blake , Mary Catherwood , Robert Brault , Bertie C Forbes , Robert Downey , Frank Sinatra , Steve Martin , Imelda Marcos , Lily Tomlin , Erma Bombeck , P J O , Dave Barry , Walt Disney , Mitch Hedberg , Robert Benchley , Brooke Shields , E O Wilson , Abdul Kalam , Stephen Hawking , Tom Landry , Chuck Palahniuk , Benjamin E Mays , Mary Kay Ash , E Joseph Cossman , John Barrymore , Martha Washington , Charlotte Brontë , Thich Nhat Hanh , Ellen Hopkins , Katerina Stoykova Klemer , Jodi Picoult , Katherine Dunn , Dick Francis , Rodolfo Costa , Sakura , Esmeralda Santiago , Starr De Luna , Dante Alighieri , Friedrich Durrenmatt , William Makepeace Thackeray , Christopher Reeve , Luther , Jesse Jackson , Herman Cain , Lucy Maud Montgomery , Alexander Pope , Evan Esar , Epicurus , Stendhal , Richard M DeVos , George Chakiris , Emily Dickinson , Martin Luther , Joel Brown , James Neil Hollingsworth , George Eliot , Ben Okri , Larry Winget , Emile Zola , Matthew Keith Groves , Joseph Wood Krutch , Jack Canfield , Farrah Gray , Carl Gustav Jung , Ernest Holmes , Michelangelo , Dr Robert Schuller , Anwar Sadat , Diderot , Francis Gray , Miguel Angel Ruiz , W Clement Stone , Douglas Adams , Thomas S Monson , Henry Kravis , Jacqueline Bisset , Tom Cochrane , Michelle Obama , R , Oliver Cromwell , John D MacDonald , Chinua Achebe , William Congreve , Alan Cohen , Junius , Erik H Erikson , Jewel , R Buckminster Fuller , Leo Buscaglia , David Augsburger , Susan Jeffers , Max DePree , Peter Drucker , Ralph Nader , Tony Blair , John Maxwell , General George Patton , Donald Rumsfeld , General Colin Powell , Erskine Bowles , Marco Rubio , Fuchan Yuan , Benjamin Disraeli , Elaine Agather , Robert Half , Theodore M , James Crook , H Ross Perot , The Bible , St , Lewis Grizzard , Sophocles , Adlai Stevenson , Everett Dirksen , Faye Wattleton , Isaac Newton , James Callaghan , John Quincy Adams , Kenneth Blanchard , Rosabeth Moss Kantor , George Van Valkenburg , Arab Proverb , Dave Meier , Clay P Bedford , Ray LeBlond , Henry S Haskins , Doris Lessing , Dudley Field Malone , Alvin Toffler , Martina Horner , Marshall McLuhan , Lloyd Alexander , Marvin Minsky , Elliott Masie , John Lubbock , Arie de Geus , Harry X Tudas , Thomas Dewar , Claude Bernard , Charles Handy , Jack Welch , Abraham Maslow , Harvey Fierstein , Marilyn Monroe , Alexander Graham Bell , Gabriel García Márquez , Randall G Leighton , Shing Xiong , Seneca , Argentine Proverb , Dr Joyce Brothers , Ernest Hemingway , Albert Guinon , Larry King , Harvey Mackay , MaoTse , Wilson Mizner , Ralph Nichols , Edward H Richards , Turkish Proverb , Frank Tyger , Kenneth A Wells , Jarod Kintz , Ali MacGraw , Tom Hanks , Woody Allen , Halle Berry , Elie Wiesel , Harville and Helen LaKelly Hunt , Marianne Williamson , Mignon McLaughlin , James C Dobson , Rita Rudner , Franz Schubert , Stephen Gaines , Dave Meurer , Richard Needham , Diane Sollee , Marnie Reed Crowell , Sukhi Burgen , Sydney J Harris , Vincent E Lafranchi IV , Karl Rahner , Kurt Vonnegut , Ayn Rand , Matthew Henry , Ella Wheeler Wilcox , Ram Dass , Mark L Feldman , Terence Houlihan , Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj , Malcom S Forbes , Aldous Huxley , Victor Hugo , Ludwig van Beethoven , William Wordsworth , Henri Matisse , Anuj Somany , Linda Poindexter , Julia Jardine , W S Gilbert , H P Lovecraft , E H Chapin , Henry Ward Beecher , John Stuart Mill , Henry Boyle , Lance Morrow , Victor Kiam , David Williams , Marshal Sylver , Alan Greenspan , Thomas A Kempis , Phillips Brooks , Paul Kane , Ajahn Chah , Elizabeth Kubler , John Cleese , Alan Lakein , William A Ward , E B White , Roald Amundsen , Alexander Hamilton , Louis Pasteur , John Lennon , Lester R Bittel , George Patton , Philip Crosby , Howard Ruff , Robert Pirsig , Milton Friedman , Joseph Stalin , Emma Goldman , Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , Denis Diderot , Mme Du Deffand , Georg Wilhelm Frierich Hegel , Joel A Barker , Bette Reeves , John Heiderers , Dag Hammarskjöld , Ethel Merman , Rob Gilbert , Jeff Dewar , Ira Hayes , Ken Venturi , Alan Pease , Gerald Ford , Edgar Dale , Groucho Marx , Lewis Carroll , Joseph Pulitzer , Charles Steinmetz , Claude Levi , Bernard Baruch , Jacob Bronowski , Tom Hirschfield , Martin H Fischer , Adolf Berle , Charles Connolly , Lillian Smith , Edward Hodnett , Swami Vivekananda , Pope John Paul II , Isaac Bashevis Singer , Richard Dawkins , Viktor E Frankl , Richard Bach , Thomas Merton , Suzan , Wayne Gretzky , Michael Phelps , Dan Gable , Ted Williams , George Orwell , Blaise Pascal , Paul Coffey , Jesse Owens , Billie Jean King , Nolan Bushnell , Michael Jordan , John Foster Dulles , David Rockefeller , Michael Dell , Roger Babson , Benjamin Franklin , William Penn , Jean de La Fontaine , Michael LeBoeuf , Thomas Hardy , Michael Althsuler , John H Aughey , Josh Billings , Alice Bloch , Robert Byrne , Thomas P Murphy , Robert Orben , John Randolph , Will Rogers , Scottish Proverb , John L Spalding , Richard I Winword , Stephen King , Isaac Watts , Stephen Leacock , W C Fields , Charles Spurgeon , Barbara Smith , Joyce Brothers , Cher , Henry L Stimson , Natalie Goldberg , Kiana Tom , Harvey S Firestone , Georges Duhamel , Tom Ridge , Corrie Ten Boom , Edward G Bulwer , Vivian Clayton , Marilyn Vos Savant , Ronnie James Dio , Sam Ewing , James Cash Penney , Lucille Ball , Alex Rodriguez , Huey Long , Mia Love , Kirsty Gallacher , Haile Gebrselassie , C J Walker ... 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Quotes By Topic:
Leadership ,
Change ,
Learning ,
Inspirational ,
Time ,
Integrity ,
Business ,
Life ,
Hope ,
Goals ,
Happiness ,
Motivational , Questions , Love , Listening , Attitude , Adversity , Funny , Potential , Planning , Nature , Friendship , Work , Negotiation , Education , Presentations , Success , Peace , Faith , Wisdom , Sports , Responsibility , Marriage , Religion , Experience , Music , Kindness , Courage , Endeavour , Patience , Maturity , Politics ... [
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“ But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life; and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of life is sunshine.”
“ Two may talk together under the same roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends.”
“ Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.”
“ I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.”
“ I have known not a few men who, after reaching the summits of business success, found themselves miserable on attaining retirement age. They were so exclusively engrossed in their day to day affairs that they had no time for friend making.”
“ A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.”
“ When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.”
“ I don't drink these days. I am allergic to alcohol and narcotics. I break out in handcuffs.”
“ I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.”
“ Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.”